Tonbridge and District Angling and Fish Preservation Society
Terms & Conditions

Members should note the following general points:

Please check the Match Calendar before visiting waters as they are closed for pegged-down matches. They may also be closed at weekends for booking. We ask that you do not use keepnets during warm summer months, as the fish may suffer.

If you have any queries or comments you should write to the Secretary in the first instance at either or PO Box 131, Tonbridge TN11 8WB.


 1 The Society shall be called the ‘Tonbridge Angling & Fish Preservation Society’ and have for its object: waters under its control, and, as far as possible, promote angling generally.

 2 The Society shall consist of a President, Vice Presidents, Hon Solicitor, Chairman, and Vice-Chairman, Hon. Secretary or secretaries, Hon Treasurer, Match Captains, a Committee of Management (12 in number including Vice Match Captain) and number of Members, in proportion to the water available. A General Meeting shall decide the number of members to form the Society.

The Society at a General Meeting may elect Hon. Members and Hon. Life Members. Such Members shall be entitled to all the privileges of membership. Unless elected as life members, such members shall be subject to re-election at the Annual General Meeting. The Society may employ water bailiffs who become Hon. Members for the duration of their service. A member of the Committee is an Honorary Member during their period of service.

3 The Management of the Society shall be conducted by the Chairman, Officers and Committee. The Chairman, Hon. Secretary and Treasurer shall serve for three years, retiring annually in rotation and be eligible for re-election at the Annual General Meeting. Any vacancy occurring on the committee may be filled by those nominated but not elected at the last AGM and the member filling the vacancy shall serve for the remaining period of the retiring Committee Member. All nominations for Officer and Committee to be submitted to the Secretary not later than seven days prior to AGM with the signatures of the proposer and seconder, and all nominees must be present at the meeting. In the event of insufficient nominations, the matter will be dealt with by the AGM. The President, Vice-President and Hon. Solicitor will be elected at each AGM. The Vice-Chairman will be elected by the incoming committee from amongst its members. 

 4 The rights of the Society to fish are liable to be limited, extended, or terminated, and these Rules and privileges of Members of the Society are subject to such rights. The Society shall not be liable to return to any Member or persons having privileges any money which may have been paid to the Society for such privileges.

 5 The Society shall be affiliated to The Kent Fisheries Consultative Association. (The KFCA)


 6 The AGM shall be held between 1st May and 15th June, at least 21 days notice will be given in writing to Members.

7 A Special General Meeting may be called by a requisition to the Secretary signed by 10 Members and such requisition must be in writing and must state the business required to be transacted at such meeting, no business shall be transacted except that for which it has been called 21 days notice in writing of the agenda must be sent to all Members. 

8 At all General Meetings, members must show proof of membership before admission to the meeting.

9 The monthly Committee Meeting will be held on the first Wednesday in each month (5 members of the Committee, including officers to form a quorum). The Officers/Committee shall have a vote each at all Committee meetings.


10 The Committee shall appoint auditors (Not being members of the Committee) who shall examine the accounts of the Society and shall see all receipts and payments are duly stated and generally vouch for the correctness of the financial statement to be presented at the AGM. The financial year shall end on the 31st March.

 11 Trustees shall be appointed by the Committee to acquire fishing rights and hold them in trust on behalf of the Society. They shall hold office until death or resignation or until removed from office by resolution of the Committee and shall be indemnified out of the assets of the Society against any risk or expense incurred by them in pursuance of their office.

 11a The assets of the Society including any fishing right and landholdings shall be vested in the Trustees who shall hold them in trust on behalf of the Society. The Trustees shall have the power to borrow on behalf of the Society and to offer the assets of the Society as security for such borrowing. 

 12 A Member will pay an annual subscription to be decided at a General Meeting.

13 A new Member  will pay any admission fee, plus the subscription to membership, to be decided by a General Meeting and upload a passport photograph. 

 14 The Committee may issue complimentary memberships. 

15 All members must be in possession of the relevant Environment Agency Licence/Licences.


16 Guest permits may be issued for a period not exceeding one week to friends or relative of Members upon application to the Secretary. Such permits shall only be issued to those guests who reside at such a distance from the Society water that they would not normally be expected to become members. Guests must be accompanied at all times by the Member obtaining the permit and may fish all waters throughout the season other than Ballast Pit, Barden Lake, Haysden Lake and Longfield Lake during the hours of darkness. A charge will be made at the normal day membership rate for each permit.


 17 The Rules relating to juniors are as follows: 

 (a) A Junior is a person who at the 1st June in the relevant year is under 16 years of age, under 12's must be accompanied by an adult member over the age of 18 at all times on all waters. 12 and over will need to have gained parental permission.

 (b) A Junior permit may be issued at such rate as may be decided by a General Meeting. On issue of such a permit the person concerned will become a Junior Member but will be entitled to only such privileges as may be given them by a General Meeting or Committee.

(c) A Junior Member reaching the age of 16 years on or before the 1st June in the relevant year shall be entitled to become a Student/Adult Member by applying via Clubmate. 

 (d) Junior Members may not fish Barden Lake, Haysden Lake and Longfield Lake during the hours of darkness or the Old Ballast Pit at any time. Please refer to the waters guide in relation to other waters they may fish unaccompanied if they are 12 and over, some waters all juniors must be accompanied at all times by an adult member over the age of 18 years strictly on a ‘one-to one’ basis except for Society competitions.

(e) Junior Members may attend the AGM if accompanied by an adult member but shall not be entitled to vote.

 (f) A student membership is available for 16-18 year old members and they will be classed as a adult member.


18 The close season shall, on rivers, be from 15th March to 15th June inclusive. 

19 Members and permit holders shall be liable to be turned away from Society’s waters unless they can show proof of membership on demand to any of the water bailiff, official or other Member of the Society.

20 All Members shall be entitled to act as water bailiffs. 

 21 Members, whilst angling on Society waters, shall not: 

 (a) Damage mowing grass or crops, any fences or river bank, or any person’s property

 (b) Take a dog with them

(c) Light any fire, barbecue nor leave litter on the bank 

 (d) Carry or use guns, firearms or catapults 

 (e) Camp 

(f) Use a drone

 (g) Use radios, televisions or music players unless fitted with a personal headphones which must be used. 

 (h) Fish from boats or similar vessels or any bridge 

 (i) Cause any annoyance to riparian owners 

 (j) Retain Carp or Pike except while fishing a match approved by the Society or to be weighed and witnessed for the purpose of claiming a specimen trophy

22. The number of Platinum permits issued may be limited at the discretion of the Committee. There will be no Close Season on any of the Society still waters unless the Committee decide to impose a temporary ban on fishing for the benefit of the fishery. Maximum stay in a swim is limited to 72 hours. 

 23 No club or association shall visit the Society’s waters for the purpose of holding a competition, without first having obtained permission in writing. Applications for permission must be received by the Hon. Secretary at least one month before the date required, and a deposit paid. 

 24 Any Members fishing shall be responsible for removing all litter in the pitch that they are fishing


25 Fishing shall not be permitted in any manner other than by angling with rod and line. Lay lines are prohibited. A landing net may be used for securing fish when hooked, the use of a gaff is prohibited.

26 No angler shall occupy more than one fishing pitch and only Platinum and Gold Permit holders can use a third rod all year round, they must be in possession of a valid EA 3rd rod licence, except on the Ballast pit, where only 2 rods can be used at anytime by anyone. 

26a Lure fishing is restricted to 1st September to the 31st March on Barden Lake.

 27 No baited rods to be left unattended at any time. 

 28 The use of live baits is prohibited between 15th March and 30th September inclusive each year. Minnow, Gudgeon and Bleak may be used for live bait the rest of the year, provided they are used in the water from which they are caught. 

 29 The use of Baitpults/Magapults for the purposes of ground baiting or loose feeding only is permitted on Society waters with the exception of all waters above the Haysden Flood Barrier. 

 30 The use of chrysadine and rhodamine for the purpose of dying maggots, ground bait and other baits is prohibited. The use of non-toxic dye is permitted.

31 The use of particle baits, that is, nuts, beans and pulses that  require soaking or boiling prior to their proper use, are banned except for hemp, tares and corn which are permissible. 

 32 The taking of baits to Society waters in metal tins or cans is banned. All baits taken to the water, must be in purpose made containers.

33 The taking of glass bottles to Society waters is banned. 

34 All nets and unhooking mats/cradles brought to the Society waters must be dry on arrival. All keepnets used on Society waters shall conform to the minimum requirements of the Environmental Agency being no less than 150cm long and 35cm diameter of body rings.

34 Bait boats are banned on all Society waters. 

35 The use of lead core line is banned on all Society waters.

36 The New Lagoon is a Float only venue.



37 A Bivvy acceptable to the Society has been defined as a lone man free standing structure, of umbrella design, with spokes from central pole. Side walls or a coverall are acceptable for single occupancy only.

38 The Committee shall have the full power to make, alter or rescind, Rules and Competition Rules, and the same, after being displayed for seven days at all places authorised by the Committee, shall be binding on all Members until the same or other such Rules and Competition Rules have been altered or annulled at a General Meeting.

39 These Rules are subject to the interpretation of the Committee or members at the AGM to decide. Anything arising not provided for in these Rules shall be dealt with by the Committee. 

40 The Rules, including Competition Rules, may be amended or added to at a General Meeting. Any members wishing to propose any alteration to the Rules at General Meeting must leave particulars of such proposals, in writing, with the Hon. Secretary at least 14 days before the date of such meeting. 

 41 The Committee shall have full power to commence any prosecution for any offence committed which they may consider detrimental to the objects of the Society. 

 42 In the event of any Member breaking any of the Rules the Hon. Secretary may suspend that Member immediately and refer the case to the next Committee meeting. The Committee shall have the power to expel such Member and he/she shall have no claim on the Society for any subscription or admission fee paid, provided, however no member shall be expelled under this Rule except at a Committee meeting specially convened for the purpose at which he may appear, or be represented, if he so wishes, and of which he has been given at least 14 day’s notice in writing. 

 43 Members shall have the right of appeal to the Annual General Meeting if dissatisfied with any decision of the Committee.



1. All cups and trophies are the property of the Society, vouchers  will be awarded by the Society to all cup winners. 

2. The Society may enter teams to compete in the National  Championship or other team matches. 

3. The Committee shall be empowered to close a section or part of  a section where it has been selected as a venue for a pegged down  match. One week’s notice to be given, where possible, of such  closure. 

4. The Committee shall be empowered to arrange matches with  other Associations on Members only waters. 


5. Prizes will be awarded to Members weighing-in specimen fish  from Society waters for the best fish NOT BELOW the following  weights: 

Bream 6lb Grayling 12oz Tench 6lb Crucian Carp 2lb Rudd 1lb Dace 7oz Roach 1½ lb Carp 40lb Pike 15lb Chub 4lb Perch 2½lb Barbel 10lb Eel 3lb 

The number of specimen prizes awarded annually will be decided  by the Committee. 

6. The Alan Wolfe Memorial Trophy will be presented to the  captor of the specimen fish considered most noteworthy by the  Committee. 

7. The Abrey Challenge Cup will be awarded annually to the  member weighing-in the heaviest Roach of the season.

8. Specimen fish must be weighed in on the bank by a club  member and a witness, using calibrated scales with a clear  photograph of the captor holding the fish. Claims to be forwarded  to the Hon. Secretary, giving name, address, membership number,  weight and type of fish, where caught and date of capture within  seven days. 


9. All matches shall be fished to the latest revision of the NFA  Model Match Rules unless otherwise noted in the following Rules. 10. The draw, fishing start and finish times of all matches shall be  as stated on the Membership Card. 

11. The draw at all matches will begin at the stated time under the  supervision of the Match Captain or Acting Match Captain. After  the draw has begun, any late arrivals shall wait until the draw has  

been completed and all competitors have moved off before  entering the match. 

12. In pegged down matches, late arrivals will be barred from  competing, if, at the time of their request to enter all pegs have  been taken. Entry to matches with other Associations must be  

made at the advertised time, Otherwise a Member may enter any  match up to 12 noon by stating their intention to compete to the  Match Captain or Acting Match Captain. 

13. No Member entering for any match is allowed to fish or  groundbait at the venue for the match during the 24 hours  preceding the match. 

14. In roving matches no competitor shall overtake the one in front  after moving off until the competitor drawn before him has  selected his swim or passed the swim the following competitor wishes to fish. No competitor may fish within 15 yards of another  except in the case of the Ballast Pit where the limit will be 10  yards.

16. The following trophies will be competed for annually, the  dates and venues being decided by the Committee. 

17. Match dates and times can only be varied by giving seven clear  days’ notice. 

 CHEESEMAN CHALLENGE CUP One day match fished to size limits at the discretion of the Match  Captain. 

Eels, Ruffe, Bleak and Pike are barred. The weighing in of more  than three undersized fish will disqualify the competitor from the  match. 


One day pegged down match. 

 W.TIBBETS LADIES CHALLENGE CUP One day pegged down match for Lady Members. 

 CHAIRMAN AND COMMITTEE TROPHY One day pegged down match. Grubs, maggots, chrysalis and wasp  comb may not be used as bait or groundbait in this match.  RON WILLIAMS CHALLENGE CUP One day pegged down match. Only maggots and chrysalis may be  used as bait or groundbait in this match. 


One day pegged down match. Junior Members are also eligible to  compete for this trophy. 


One day pegged down match. Proceeds from this match will go to  the restocking fund. 

 BILL MITCHELL MATCH SPECIMEN CUP This cup will be presented to the captor of the best specimen fish  caught in a club match that qualifies for the match championship,  considered most noteworthy by the Committee. 



This cup will be presented annually to the member gaining the  most points in a 5 match series comprising of the feeder, float  only, pole, Pike and the cane & pin matches. 


One day pegged down match. 


This cup to be presented annually to the member gaining the most  points in a six match series. 

 MATCH CHANPIONSHIP CUP For the Member weighing in the heaviest total bulk weight of fish  in all official matches fished within Society waters, excluding  Open, Weekday, Pike and Cane & Pin Matches. Each competitor  must fish a minimum of eight matches to qualify. 

 JOHN ANSCOMBE O.A.P. CHALLENGE CUP Presented to the heaviest individual match weight recorded during  the Season by an OAP. 

 BOB CHAPMAN POLE CUP One day match, Pole and whip methods only to be used.


One day match. 

 HARRY FOWLER MEMORIAL BOWL One day open charity match. 


Boxall Shield - Open to all junior members – one day match.